Variegated Ivy

Variegated Ivy Plant, LIVE evergreen trailing houseplant

Variegated Ivy (Hedera Helix Variegata) is a vigorous evergreen vine, widely used for the decoration of houses. This plant has the ability to clean the air in the room. It can absorb different hazardous and dangerous fumes, that’s why it is recommended to keep this plant in the kitchen.

LIGHT: half-shaded or shaded place.
WATERING: moderately moist; don’t let soil dry out completely; frequency of watering depends on season.
HUMIDITY: high level of humidity; requires regular spraying and cleaning of foliage with wet cloth.
FERTILIZING: once in 2 weeks from March through August with the complex mineral fertilizer for vine plants; reduce feeding in winter.
REPOTTING: a few weeks after arrival, using one size bigger pot and potting mix.

Live plant ships in 4", 6", 8", or 10" pot basket. Larger pot basket = larger size plant.
Fully rooted plant
Detachable hanger included

